Monday 28 April 2014

UUM Archery Club

This is our team!!

Athlete of UUM Archery
(SIRKIT Tournament)
I started join UUM Archery Club during Hope day at Foyer Library on semester 1.
This is my first time playing archery at University Utara Malaysia.
I was interested when playing this sport.
During member day when I play, coach had choose me and trainee me to become an athlete.
Alhamdulillah, now I'm an athlete of archery and try to trainee harder to be success.

Member of UUM Archery Club is so awesome!!
They are very nice and friendly. We had our training together every evening at UUM archery field. We also always take a dinner together after our training session. 

-Let's Picture Tell Everything-

Happy Chinese New Year
at my senior house
My Ex-President
Celebrate CNY  when we had to training at UUM

Our way to UITM Shah Alam for SUKIPT

Night Ceremony of SUKIPT

Our last day tournament at UITM Shah Alam

Ready to shoot

Archery UUM Open Championship

 Our Ex-President and President work harder for our Archery UUM Open Championship

ast day Archery UUm Open Championship

We just like a happy family

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